Terms of Use (Last Updated: March 8, 2024)

Scope of Application of Terms of Use These Terms of Use apply to all actions related to the use of this game. By using this game, users are deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use.

User Responsibilities Users of this game must adhere to the following:

  • Follow these Terms of Use and other operational policies.
  • Do not infringe on the rights or privacy of other users.
  • Do not cause discomfort to other users through in-game actions.
  • Bear responsibility for in-game purchases.
  • Do not exploit bugs and promptly report them to the management.
  • Properly manage account information and strictly control email addresses and passwords.

Prohibited Actions Users are prohibited from engaging in the following actions:

  • Actions against the law or public order and morals.
  • Harassment, intimidation, slander, or similar actions against other users.
  • Providing false information in the game, making false inquiries, or repeatedly making similar inquiries.
  • Buying, selling, or transferring accounts or items, or preparing for such actions.
  • Political activities, religious activities, or soliciting for such activities.
  • Commercial activities including network business, real estate, insurance, etc.
  • Owning multiple accounts with different IDs, sharing accounts, or declaring such actions.
  • Infringing on the intellectual property of the game, encouraging such actions.
  • Unauthorized access or modification to the game’s system, attempts or encouragement of such.
  • Cheating, exploiting bugs, or inducing such actions.
  • Using, purchasing, or preparing tools not authorized by the game.
  • Other actions judged by the management as contrary to operational policies or hindering proper operation.

Intellectual Property Rights Contents, texts, images, graphics, music, sounds, etc., in this game are owned by our company or related rights holders. Users cannot duplicate, distribute, modify, or publish these materials without prior written consent from our company.

In-Game Paid Services Users use in-game paid services at their own risk. In principle, the operator is not responsible for any issues related to paid services. However, for issues arising from system malfunctions of the game, the operator will take appropriate measures within the scope of items provided in the game.


  • The operator is not responsible for any damages incurred by the user due to their own actions in using the game.
  • The company is not responsible for issues such as internet connection problems, equipment failure, natural disasters, data center malfunctions, or unintended data loss.
  • Users who violate these Terms of Use may be deleted without prior notice and are not entitled to compensation or refund.
  • The operator can take necessary measures against users who violate these Terms of Use.
  • Refunds, returns, or other compensations for paid services due to customer convenience are not allowed. However, this does not apply in cases legally required due to system malfunctions.
  • The operator is not obligated to repair bugs or other issues in the game or to improve or enhance the game.

Changes to Terms of Use The operator may change these Terms of Use. Changes to the Terms of Use will be notified to users by being posted within the game.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction These Terms of Use shall be governed by Japanese law, and any disputes related to these Terms will be exclusively under the jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance. The Japanese version of these Terms of Use shall be deemed the official version. Even if any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed invalid, it does not affect the validity of other provisions.

Inquiries For inquiries related to this game, please use the message form on the settings page within the game.

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